2025 Partnership Opportunities
The Blowing Rock Chamber recognizes that in some cases, our members are looking for additional exposure for their brands/businesses as well as opportunities to be more involved in our community. They seek to enhance their local visibility through their Chamber relationship and are committed to elevating our presence. They represent a desire and willingness to support the growth of the Chamber by supporting this Partnership program, allowing them to go up and beyond the typical membership benefits.
To accommodate our interested members, we have created five levels of Partnership to include Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. The benefits for each of these levels is presented below:
DIAMOND $12,000
Benefits include:
- Two representatives from your company will be invited to join us on our annual overnight visit to Raleigh for the WNC Legislative Day in May. Your hotel, registration and dinner with Legislators will be covered by the Chamber
- Banner signage at the Polar Bear Plunge during Winterfest and 2 tickets to the Beer Garden and Wine Tasting & Auction events. (January)
- Double (10’ by 20’) Patron Tent at the Symphony by the Lake to include 24 tickets and 8 parking passes (July)
- Sponsorship of Business of the Year award at the annual awards luncheon given each November at the BR Chamber Annual Awards Luncheon along with 8 tickets for the luncheon (November)
- 2 Invites to the Blowing Rock Chamber Partner Appreciation Reception to include appreciation gift (September)
- Full-page back cover ad in the Blowing Rock Chamber Visitor Guide & Membership Directory each year
- E-Blast to Chamber members via newsletter 6 times annually
- Six e-newsletter banner ads to use anytime during the year
- Banner Ad on Chamber website (www.brncchamber.com)
- Two Chamber branded apparel items
- Year-round exposure of your business logo on signage at most official Chamber events, Emails, Visitor Center, Website, Visitor Guide & Business Directory, etc.
Benefits include:
- A representative for your company will be invited to join us on our annual overnight visit to Raleigh for the WNC Legislative Day in May. Your hotel, registration and dinner with Legislators will be covered by the Chamber
- Two tickets during Winterfest for the Beer Garden and Wine Tasting & Auction events. (January)
- Single (10’ by 10’) Patron Tent at the Symphony by the Lake to include 12 tickets and 4 parking passes (July)
- Sponsorship of one of the annual awards given each November at the BR Chamber Annual Awards Luncheon along with 4 tickets for the luncheon (November)
- Invite to the Blowing Rock Chamber Partner Appreciation Reception to include appreciation gift (September)
- Full-page ad in the Annual Blowing Rock Chamber Visitor Guide & Business Directory
- E-Blast to Chamber members via newsletter 3 times annually
- Four e-newsletter banner ads to use anytime during the year
- Banner Ad on Chamber website (www.brncchamber.com)
- Chamber branded apparel item
- Year-round exposure of your business logo on signage at most official Chamber events, Emails, Visitor Center, Website, Visitor Guide & Business Directory, etc.
GOLD $3500
Benefits include:
- Four tickets and two parking passes to the Symphony by the Lake event (July)
- Four tickets to the BR Chamber Annual Awards Luncheon (November)
- Two invites to the Blowing Rock Chamber Partner Appreciation Reception to include appreciation gift (September)
- E-Blast to Chamber members via newsletter once annually
- Two e-newsletter banner ads per year and ad placement on Chamber website
- One-half page ad in the annual Blowing Rock Chamber Visitor Guide & Business Directory
- Year-round exposure of your business logo on signage at most official Chamber events, Emails, Visitor Center, Website, Visitor Guide & Business Directory, etc.
Silver $2000
Benefits include:
- Invite to the Blowing Rock Chamber Partner Appreciation Reception to include appreciation gift (September)
- One fourth-page ad in the annual Blowing Rock Chamber Visitor Guide & Business Directory
- Two e-newsletter banner ads per year
- Two tickets and one parking pass to the Symphony by the Lake event (July)
- Two tickets to the BR Chamber Annual Awards Luncheon (November)
- Year-round exposure of your business logo on signage at most official Chamber events, Visitor Center, Website, Visitor Guide & Business Directory, etc.
- Ad placement on Chamber website
Bronze $1000
Benefits include:
- Invite to the Blowing Rock Chamber Partner Appreciation Reception to include appreciation gift (September)
- Recognition as Chamber Partner in the Blowing Rock Chamber Visitor Guide & Business
- Two tickets to the Symphony by the Lake event (July)
- Year-round exposure of your business logo on signage at most official Chamber events, emails, Visitor Center, Website, Visitor Guide & Business Directory, etc.
- WinterFest (all events) - 3,000 attendees
- Art in the Part Series - 35,000 annual attendess
(monthly May-October) - Symphony by the Lake - 3,500 attendees
- Alair Summer Concert Series - 2,000 attendees
- Awards Luncheon - 200 attendees
- Leadership Challenge
- Educational Seminars
- Board Meetings
- Committee Meetings
- Chamber Christmas Party
- Chamber Partner Appreciation Event
- Retreats - all Chamber business sessions
- Business After Hours - 10 events per year
- Business Before Hours - Quarterly
- Weekly Chamber Village Update Newsletter
- Weekly Member Happenings Newsletter

Sponsorship Opportunities
Contact: Cathy Barker